We don't directly accept money for sponsorship. Fishing With Nerds is mostly my community service/volunteering and I do it unofficially. If I accept cash as payment then this becomes commercial and I have to get commercial licensing and there's a whole bunch of additional requirements. However, I can use your help with a few things:
- Fishing Rods and Reels - I go through these throughout the year as some suffer breakage. I'd welcome contributions of fishing rods either for my ongoing use, or to provide as giveaways to students.
- Fishing Tackle - It's surprising how much of this I need to buy every trip. Keeping dozens of students in lures, swivels, etc isn't a big deal on an individual trip, but on a couple dozen trips a year it starts to add up.
- Inflatable Personal Floatation Devices - I have old school lifejackets for my boat, but some of the smaller more modern ones would be nice for both summer/fall fishing and winter ice fishing.
- Canning Jars - We do quite a bit of canning every year - dill pickles, pickled beans, pickled beets and this year we're getting into processing pumpkins. Canning jars are getting expensive and sometimes hard to find.
- Swag - If you've got some free caps, stickers, etc that relate to the outdoors that you'd like me to distribute to the students, drop me a line.
- Electric Fillet Knives - So, nobody that comes with me ever knows how to clean a fish. Which means that every trip I do, I'm filleting often hundreds of perch for the students to take home with them. My back aches just thinking about it, and those fancy cordless electric fillet knives would ease my back from hours of standing over a table. I guess this is more of a me thing than for the students, but eh, if I'm wishing for stuff that would helpful and useful on these fishing trips, there it is.
For the above items, we would welcome either the items directly if you choose to provide them or alternatively, as a cabelas gift certificate. Any gift certificate will be used 100% to purchase equipment for use on our trips with students.
- Travel expenses - Travel is always an expense for me, and on our four day camping trips. Taking 20 students on a 9 hour drive north with equipment gets quite expensive. I'm open to discussing sponsorship in terms of assisting with the cost of getting students out fishing, i.e. I'd welcome a rental of a bus for a day to take a lot of students shore fishing.
- Other thoughts - I'm also open to discussing other sponsorship opportunities that encourage students to enjoy the outdoors, whether it be gear for myself to use on these trips, or for students to take home with them.
What you get
Any sponsorship will be recognized as best we can. That will include a company logo and a link on this page, pictures and a mention on our instagram page, and whatever else we can do for you.
Thanks to Legend Boats (I drive a legend boat for all of our Fishing With Nerds trips) for providing a great big box of hats, keychains and neck warmers to provide to the students.
Thanks to the OFAH for their equipment sharing program, providing rods to one of the larger fishing trips when I didn't have enough fishing rods for all the students.
Feel welcome to contact me at glenn@glenn.ca to discuss.