
I take students hunting locally in Waterloo region.  Generally small game such as squirrel (surprisingly tasty), but also dove and goose.  It's a great way to have a walk in the bush and enjoy some down time in nature.

What's coming for 2024

Fall hunting will be sporadic as usual, as time allows.  I'll try to take some folks turkey hunting in May as well.  Planned, a grouse hunting and fishing trip for 4-7 days sometime in September/October up to Shining Tree (plus camping in the bush!).  

Dove Hunting Sep 2023

Took a student out dove hunting.  A few came in but we were sitting there talking and they flew off before we had time to wake up and take aim.

Grouse Hunting, Shining Tree September 2023

Headed up north near Sudbury/Timmins for four days of grouse hunting with Nick and Frank (Fakkur) and Bella the dog.  Bella's a hunting breed but not really a hunting dog; grouse walked right by her and she never flinched.  But, she enjoys the run and the company and that's good enough. We were trolling in the boat and I caught the biggest pike I have ever seen.  I had it up to the boat and this monster of a mouth comes out of the water, flips....and gone.  So I guess I didn't exactly catch it, but it was huge I swear.

Dove hunting September 2023

Dove hunting in Waterloo region with Mukund and Ryan.  Beautiful day in the bush on the edge of a meadow listening to the apples fall from the trees,plus a couple of doves.

Moose Hunt Cochrane October 2022

Moose hunting in the bush with Nick and Frank in the fall of 2022. Plus Ethan, an alumni who'd come camping with us when he was a student was working in the area so he joined us as well.   Neither Frank nor Nick had ever been that far north, or that far into the bush for a week.  We didn't get any moose, but did get some northern pike and enjoyed some camaraderie.  This was my normal hunt camp, with a dozen men my age that were happy to see some young folks taking up hunting.  And my brother is a chef and does the cooking, check out our thanksgiving dinner in the bush.

Dove Hunting September 2022

Another beautiful afternoon in the bush with Frank, Iftekar, Leo and my son.  Got a few doves, enjoyed the sunset.

Duck Hunt November 2022

I used to take my son hunting.  Now he takes me hunting.  Here's my son along with Frank and (a different) Nick doing some duck hunting over a pond near Ayr, Ontario.  Got a few ducks and saw a flock of stunning trumpeter swans.  

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